Public Posting

Private Statute of Brandon Scott Barbee: A Declaration of Personal Rights and Sovereignty



Posted July 13 2024

NXFT-CTRL-DECL-001 – Personal declaration to establish a need to create a personal system to protect my freedoms from other groups of people:

I, Brandon Scott Barbee, hereby declare that I am a sovereign individual, entitled to all the rights and freedoms inherent to my existence as a human being. I assert that I am a natural person, with the capacity to enter into contracts, own property, and exercise my autonomy and self-determination.

As a sovereign individual, I reject the notion that I must be subject to the jurisdiction of any group or entity, or that I must align with their beliefs, values, or agendas. My individuality is paramount, and I demand that it be acknowledged and respected by all groups, foreign and domestic.

This proclamation is a living document, subject to change or modifications by me at any time. I reserve the right to alter, amend, or expand upon this declaration as I see fit, without notice or consultation with any external entity. This document applies to all individuals, groups, governments, religious institutions, companies, and other entities in this world and beyond.

I cite the following laws and principles to demonstrate my authority to make this declaration:

· The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 3)
· The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 1)
· The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Article 3)
· The principle of autonomy and self-determination
· The principle of freedom of association

Please note that these laws and principles are not required to validate my declaration, as I am a sovereign individual. This proclamation is a courtesy to others, and I expect it to be respected and acknowledged by all.

By this declaration, I establish my personal system, which prioritizes my sovereignty, autonomy, and individuality. I assert my right to exist, think, and act freely, without interference or coercion from any group or entity.

I remind all groups, governments, religious institutions, companies, and other entities that my individuality is non-negotiable. I will not be swayed, coerced, or assimilated into any collective. My sovereignty is absolute, and my freedom is inalienable.



Brandon Scott Barbee

Posted June 19th 2024

NXFT-CTRL-DECL-002 – Personal Declaration of Sovereignty and Immunity

In remembrance of Juneteenth, a day that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved People, I, Brandon Scott Barbee, declare my sovereignty and immunity from all forms of artificial control, manipulation, and coercion. I honor the memories of those who were denied the chance to experience true liberty and freedom.

I assert that I am not bound by any document, contract, or agreement that seeks to infringe upon my inherent rights and freedoms. These documents serve only as tools to communicate my autonomy and superiority over any external authority.

I reference the following laws, codes, and regulations to support my declaration:

· Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”)
· International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 1: “All peoples have the right of self-determination”)
· Common Law (Maxim: “A man is not bound by any law which he has not assented to”)
· Natural Law (Principle: “Do no harm, cause no loss”)
· United Nations Convention against Torture (Article 1: “No state may permit torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment”)
· International Human Rights Law (Principle: “All individuals have the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment”)
· National and local laws protecting individual rights and freedoms

I also reference non-governmental standards and principles, including:

· The Hague Convention on the Law of Treaties (Article 53: “A treaty is void if it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law”)
· The Geneva Conventions (Common Article 3: “Persons taking no active part in the hostilities… shall in all circumstances be treated humanely”)

By this declaration, I assert my sovereignty and immunity from artificial control, and I hold all beings, entities, and organizations accountable for respecting my rights and freedoms.

I am the sole authority over my life, body, and mind. I am not a subject or a citizen of any state or entity. I am a free and sovereign being, and I will not be bound by any document or agreement that seeks to diminish my liberty.


Brandon Scott Barbee

Posted June 8th 2024


To all government representatives, agents, and employees (collectively “Agents”) of any government agency (the “Agency”):

By engaging in any detention, questioning, search, or other conduct (the “Conduct”) that violates my basic human rights, as enshrined in the United States Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:


The Agency shall be liable for:

· $20,000 per minute for any time spent detaining, questioning, or searching me without my explicit consent (the “Initial Fee”), in accordance with the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 9 of the ICCPR.


The Agency shall be liable for escalating fees, increasing by a factor of 10 for each additional violation, for any further Conduct that violates my human rights, including but not limited to:

· Physical force or intimidation (escalating fee: $200,000 per minute)

· Torture, cruel treatment, or other serious human rights violations (escalating fee: $2,000,000 per minute)


In the event of my death, whether intentional or unintentional, during or after the incident, the Agency shall be liable for a death fee of $900,000,000.00, in accordance with Article 6 of the ICCPR.


For any time spent cooperating with the Agent, I shall be entitled to a cooperation fee of $1,000.00 per minute, in accordance with Article 14 of the UDHR.


In the event of my death, whether during or after the incident, the fees shall be paid to my designated beneficiary, Heather Michelle Barbee, in accordance with Article 20 of the ICCPR.


By engaging in any Conduct that violates my rights, Agents acknowledge that they have waived any and all rights, privileges, and immunities that may otherwise apply, including but not limited to sovereign immunity and qualified immunity, in accordance with Article 15 of the CAT.


The Agency acknowledges that all fees incurred pursuant to this contract shall be exempt from taxation, and shall not be subject to any withholding or deduction, in accordance with Article 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

By engaging in any Conduct that violates my rights, Agents acknowledge that this contract is a publicly posted notice, and that they are bound by its terms, regardless of whether they have actual knowledge of this contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.


Brandon Scott Barbee


· United States Constitution

· Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

· International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

· Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)

· Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

· Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution

NXFT-CTRL-DECL-004 – Personal Declaration of Spiritual Rights

Title: A Personal Declaration of Spirituality

I, Brandon Scott Barbee, hereby declare my understanding of spirituality and its distinction from religion. I assert my right to practice my shamanistic spirituality, free from classification or definition by others.

Spirituality is a personal journey, unique to each individual (1). It encompasses beliefs, values, and practices that foster a connection with something greater than oneself (2). In contrast, religion is a organized system of beliefs, practices, and rituals, often tied to a specific institution or doctrine (3).

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, recognizes the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion (Article 18) (4). This includes the freedom to hold one’s own beliefs and practices, without fear of persecution or discrimination.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by over 160 states, including the United States, protects the right to freedom of religion and belief (Article 18) (5). This includes the right to practice one’s own spirituality, free from coercion or constraint.

In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion (6). The Supreme Court has consistently interpreted this to include the right to hold unconventional beliefs and practices (7).

Locally, California and Chino Hills laws also protect the freedom of religion and belief (8).

I hereby declare that my spirituality is shamanistic in nature, rooted in a personal connection with the natural world and the universe. It is not defined by any particular religion or doctrine, but rather by my own experiences, beliefs, and practices.

I assert my right to practice my spirituality, free from classification or definition by others. I call upon the international community, national and local authorities, to respect and protect my right to spiritual freedom.


(1) Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “Spirituality”

(2) Psychology Today, “The Difference Between Spirituality and Religion”

(3) Oxford Dictionary, “Religion”

(4) United Nations, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

(5) United Nations, “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”

(6) United States Constitution, “First Amendment”

(7) Supreme Court of the United States, “Employment Division v. Smith” (1990)

(8) California/ Chino Hills’Laws, “Freedom of Religion”

Note: This is a sample declaration, please consult with a legal professional to ensure it aligns with your specific situation and local laws.



Signed and dated by me, Brandon Scott Barbee. on June 12, 2024

NXFT-CTRL-DECL-005 – Personal Proclamation of Non-Consent to Taxation

I, Brandon Scott Barbee, hereby declare that I do not consent to the current taxation system imposed by the government. I understand that the presidency and government have been established through constitutional and legal frameworks, but I assert that there is no legitimate need to tax people when alternative means of funding exist.

I reference the following laws and principles to support my claim:

· International Monetary Fund (IMF) policies allowing governments to borrow funds (Article I, Section 3)
· World Bank provisions for loan agreements with governments (Article II, Section 4)
· United Nations Convention on the Law of Treaties (Article 53) regarding invalidity of treaties conflicting with peremptory norms
· National laws and constitutions providing for borrowing and debt management (e.g., US Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 2)

I declare that all taxes I pay are not voluntary, but rather under duress to prevent false imprisonment and other forms of coercion by the state. I reserve my rights under:

· Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 12) regarding protection against arbitrary interference
· International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 9) regarding freedom from arbitrary detention
· National and local laws protecting individual rights and freedoms (e.g., US Constitution, Amendment IV)

Furthermore, I assert that the tax code itself recognizes that citizens cannot be taxed. In the United States, for example:

· The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) defines “taxpayer” as a person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (26 USC 7701(b)), excluding citizens (26 USC 7701(c))
· The IRC imposes taxes on income derived from public office or employment (26 USC 61), not on citizens’ private income
· The Supreme Court has consistently held that the income tax is an excise tax on privileges, not a direct tax on citizens (e.g., Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 US 429)

By this proclamation, I assert my non-consent to the taxation system and my rights to seek alternative means of funding. I hold the government accountable for respecting my rights and freedoms.



Brandon Scott Barbee